“If I found out Emma was going into the voting booth and pulling the lever for Harris, that’s the same thing as having an affair.” Jesse Watters, Fox News.
'Por coi me bait mes maris, laisette !
Je ne li ai rienz mesfait ne riens ne li ai mesdit fors c'acolleir mon amin soulette. per coi me bait mes maris, laisette !
Et c'il ne mi lait dureir ne bone vie meneir, je lou ferai cous clameir, a certes.
Or sai bien que je ferai et coment m'an vangerai : avec mon amin geirai nuette. por coi mi bait mes maris...'
French, 1st half of the XIVth century; Douce 308 207a, Bodleian Library; in Karl Bartsch, Altfranzösische Romanzen und Pastourellen (Leipzig, F.C.W. Vogel: 1870), pp. 20-21 and 340.
Why does my husband beat me? Oh, dear!
I haven’t done him wrong or told about him though I held my friend with no one near. Why does my husband beat me? Oh, dear!
If he won’t let me go and have some fun in life they’ll call him cuckold, so I swear.
But I know what I’ll do and how I’ll be revenged: I’ll lie down with my friend all bare. Why does my husband beat me?
Translated by Paul Werner.
November 2, 2024